
Mind Your Business

Don’t be just a passive observer

Scénář, režie David Butula
Dramaturgie Jan Gogola ml.
Kamera Petr Vejslík, Stanislav Adam
Zvuk Jiří Kubík, Ondřej Gášek, Ladislav Mirvald
Střih Hana Dvořáčková


Almost everyone has been a witness of a situation where they didn’t know if they should intervene. Domestic violence usually happens behind the closed doors. And we can ignore the signs and tell our self’s that what is happening behind the closed doors is their business. Main character Kamila is physically and mentally abused by her husband Pavel.

Viewer watches life of the main couple for the perspective of their neighbours and friends. All situations take place in the public space. Their neighbours and friends are deciding if and how should they intervene into the life of the couple. Viewer asks the same questions: should I intervene or mind my business?

Mind Your Business got financial support for creating the script

Mind Your Business received a financial support from Film Fund in Zlín to create a script. The film ...

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Thanks to:

Zlín city for financing writing of the script.