
ČT art will present the documentary Miri fajta

Czech Television will broadcast the documentary Miri fajta. Its main protagonist is the recently deceased activist ...

Miri fajta is free for a month on DAFilms

The documentary film Miri fajta premiered at the International Documentary Film Festival Ji.hlava. Now the film ...

Watch Let viny on DAFilms!

For ten years, Tereza Tara worked on her documentary Flight of Guilt. This unique film is ...

Miri fajta is now available on DAFilms

The Miri fajta premiere took place at The International Documentary Film Festival Ji.hlava. Now the audience ...

Fibonacci received an honorable mention at the Dance Film Festival Prague

As part of the Dance Film Festival Prague, our experimental dance film Fibonacci was awarded an ...

New trailer is out!

The experimental film Fibonacci released a new trailer. You can watch it here. At the same ...