
How is the film The World According to Jiri created? New article in DOK.REVUE

How is the film made in which a father and daughter fight for CO2 reduction, a ...

Fibonacci at international festivals

Fibonacci has been made at several other festivals and will have its next premieres. The first ...

Fibonacci in the Dutch press

The film Fibonacci made it to the Dutch press, specifically to the daily Het Parool. An ...

What a single video will solve for you

According to the NetNewsLedger server, the average user of social networks “proscrolls” at least 90 meters ...

The Czech Film Fund supported the creation of the documentary

At the beginning of March 2021, The Czech Film Fund published the results in the area ...

Spotlight ČESKO: Fibonacci heads to FilmFestival Cottbus

From Estonia to Germany – after it´s premiere in Tallinn, Fibonacci will be screened at FilmFestival ...