Client: Centrum dopravního výzkumu, v. v. i., 2020
Safe town – streets and pedestrians
The aim of the Safe Town project was to increase traffic safety and also to create pleasant and safe streets for pedestrians. The output of the project also serves as one of the bases of the government’s concept of urban mobility.
It was also filmed abroad, especially in Kuffstein, Austria. The result was carefully post-produced, the work was constantly consulted with transport experts, who were also present during the filming. We were also provided with a traffic psychologist, who assessed how drivers would think about a specific change at an intersection.
Shooting was often adventurous for us, as we participated in a stunts, for example in a mock accident. However, it was important for us that the project helped to ensure a safe transport infrastructure in the municipalities, which can save many lives.
The author Michal Fíbek himself describes the creation of the animation: “I worked on several complex animated scenes in an educational video from GNOMON for the CDV. It was an interesting challenge to visualize the issue of a safe town and tools to achieve it in a visually simplified way. Each of the scenes contained dozens of separate elements for animation – except street I animated pedestrians and cars and paid attention to their meaningful interaction.”