
The Runaway

Story about the sea, about love, about justice, about longing for freedom and the price for it.

Director, idea Michal Varga
Dramaturgy Jakub Režný
Camera Adam Sejk
Assistant Editor Adéla Václavíková
Producer Jan Bodnár, Jan Hubáček

About film

In 1998, Josef Šindelek sat in his car outside the prison where he was due to serve his sentence in an hour, thinking. Three years behind bars for trying to get his money from a man who owed it to him, a fact repeatedly acknowledged by the court. Losing three years of his life for wanting justice for himself. Josef made up his mind, drove away from prison and disappeared from the police’s radar for an incredible 25 years.

He bought a boat in Italy and spent almost a year fixing it up himself. During that time, he was joined by Blanka – a woman who has stayed with him ever since, despite the dim prospects. They spent the next quarter of a century on the ship before Josef was arrested by Argentine police in October 2023 on an international arrest warrant. Was a quarter of a century of life, free but in complete uncertainty, worth it? And what price for freedom did Josef and his loved ones have to pay?

Thanks to

The project is realized with support by the The Czech Film Fund.

Production of the film was supported by the South Moravian Film Foundation.

Funded by the European Union – NextGenerationEU.